Windows is an operating system made by Microsoft, first version of windows launch in 20 November 1985 and the programming language used in windows operating system is C, C++, assembly language, C# etc. the latest version of windows is 10 and 11, to run programs and manage files in our computer it is necessary to must install windows in our system. without operating system we can’t use computer, it is a medium for user to interact with hardware and provides user friendly interface, so we can see in this article that how to install windows let see.
1. Downloading windows
First you need to download windows, go to official website of Microsoft ( click here to download windows 11 ) and download latest windows and cross check bit of your system 32 bit or 64 bit. for checking the bit you can simply search the model no. and find it and if windows is already install in your system then you can also check by open computer properties, and then after open the Microsoft site select windows from the list and download will start in iso file format.
2. Make Bootable USB Drive
After the downloading of windows, there are many software for making bootable USB. like rufus, power iso etc. we use power iso, so download and install power iso. it is free software power iso provide free trial.
After that check your computer boot system, there are two boot system UEFI and Legacy and for checking :
Press WIN+R key, run tab will open.
Type msinfo32 and then you will see system information and in that information you can see BIOS mode mentioned in the list it can be UEFI or Legacy.
Remember – If your BIOS mode UEFI = GPT and If your BIOS mode Legacy = MBR ( BIOS or UEFI-CSM ).
Use USB drive least 8 GB, then open power iso go to tools, then select USB tools. and then click on create bootable USB drive.
After that a new tab will open and then select source windows iso file and then select destination USB drive.
There are one more option you can see in below image that is boot mode, in this option you can see mainly two options first is MBR and second is GPT. We discuss above if your bios mode UEFI select GPT and if your bios mode Legacy select MBR.
Then click on start, power iso will start creating bootable USB.
3. How to Install Windows
BIOS Settings
After completion of creating bootable USB, insert bootable USB in system and start how to install windows. and then turn on the computer, ( different system have different BIOS key to boot from a bootable USB drive. we mention all BIOS keys check one by one ) press Esc, F10, F11, F12, or Del.
When you press on off key after that instantly pressing the keys Esc, F2, F10, F11, F12, or Del press at least 4 to 5 time continuously.
In some systems you will see boot sequence directly then select bootable USB drive directly.
And then install windows menu will be opened.
We will see one more ways to access install windows menu :
When you press on off key after that press 4 to 5 time continuously ESC and F1 and F2 key, you will see bios settings.
Different system show different interface but mainly you can find boot menu or boot sequence or boot manager bios setup.
In that options find the list of booting options like windows boot manager, cd-rom, hard disk etc. in that options select name of bootable USB drive or change sequence of that USB drive to top.
Then save and exit by pressing F10 key ( many systems have different key for save and exit so read mentioned in display and apply ).
After save and exit your system will restart and this time your system automatically boot by Bootable USB drive. and install windows menu will opened.
Windows installation Setup
This is last step of how to install windows :
Select language and time format and then keyboard settings.
Then click on Install now.
After that you will see product key page, if you have product key then enter the product key other wise click on i don’t have a product key.
Then select windows edition like windows home, windows pro etc. and then click on next and accept terms and conditions.
And then you will see which type of installation do you want ( if you install windows 7 ) – there are two option first upgrade install windows and keep files, settings and applications, second custom windows install only ( advanced ) we suggest click on custom windows only, because if you click on upgrade install then your data is not delete only windows will install but some time all data will erased and if you click on custom then you will select and delete by your choice but in this the drive which you want to install windows will be erased other partition data will not be erased other partition data will be safe, so click on custom.
Then select location in which drive you want to install windows – select C drive ( other name disk 0 unallocated space etc. ) and delete that partition only and create partition of that drive and if you want delete other partitions you will do also. and then click next.
Install windows will start.
After installation complete remove Bootable USB drive.
Setting Up New System
After complete how to install windows select country and then select keyboard layout and name the device and click next. Windows installation will finishing up. and then you will see home screen then go to personalize by right click on mouse and then add desktop icons like My pc, user, control panel etc.
After finishing up there are one more setting is auto update windows if you want to stop check this article click here.
Protect your pc or laptop :
For windows 10 and 11 –
Go to setting and then click on accounts.
And then click on sign in options.
After that you can set password, pin etc.
For windows 7
Go to control panel and then click on user account.
And then set and change the password.
Install basic software :
Browser – chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.
MS Office – word, excel, power point etc.
Video player – VLC etc.
If you install windows 7 Download and install drivers – WIFI driver, Bluetooth driver, Audio driver etc.
This is complete detailed article of How to install windows i wish this article is helpful for you, if you like it please share it and if this information is informative for you, please comment and keep checking the website. you will get such informative article in the future, stay updated in this website you will get best content.
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